This piece was written by me quite a while back. I had taken inspiration from one of my school magazines where the head girl had written on the same lines. It was just one awesome way to lighten the mood, laugh and have fun reading. So, here is my version of it. All modified from the way I had written it earlier.(trust me, you do not want to see the older one) Do bear with a few mistakes. But more than that, ENJOY yourselves.
Aries Mar.21-Apr.20
Aries know how to get their way. Now, we have no doubts about why they spend most of their time outside a class fuming. You know, at being thrown out of it. Basic motto in life: Never give up! Try, try till you succeed. On another note, they can be caring and compassionate too.
Taurus Apr.21-May.21
‘Laughter is the best medicine.’ Once provoked, Taurians can just laugh their butt off. Okay buddy, better have control over that funny bone of yours. One day you might land up in an asylum wondering just how you got there. You got thrown. Joke’s on you.
Gemini May.22-Jun.21
‘Now you see them, now you don’t.’ What does that mean? No worries, I’ll tell you. They have a very elusive behavior. And guess what? Got caught bunking classes. So people, no need to put up with their disappearing act anymore. You’ll find them in detention room for sure.
Cancer Jun.22-Jul.23
To do some things it requires guts. And that’s something Cancerians have in abundance. Take advantage and ask them to do you a favor. But if they get socked, it will hardly be a surprise to see you socked too.
Leo Jul.24-Aug.23
The king (or the highness) of the jungle (No offense, you are being compared to a king, even if it’s of a JUNGLE) is demanding and hates being dependent. Wow, what luck for the future……spouse. Favorite quote: mirror, mirror on the wall. Who’s the fairest of all? (Well, we have no doubts about whom, do we?)
Virgo Aug.24-Sept.23
Damn confusing. They either talk a lot or hardly talk. (God knows, maybe they are shy). But when they do bring out their loquaciousness, they tend to go over the board sometimes and get into an argument. What happens then? WHAM! “Hey…. hey, pal. Why am I seeing stars during daylight?” (Good question)
Libra Sept.24-Oct.23
The most charming of all signs, they try to convince some people of their genuine concern. Its no wonder that people think that they are just poking their nose into their personal business. No one admires a good human being these days, I tell you.
Scorpio Oct.24-Nov.22
Naughty. And boy, are they naughty! Sometimes it makes us wonder why they make frequent visits to the head’s office. They are the ultimate ‘go anywhere do anything’ kind of people. By the way, was that a bomb blast we just heard?
Sagittarius Nov.23-Dec.21
Most Sagittarians are cleanliness freaks. They have a habit of cribbing about things strewn all over the place. Take our advice and never leave your stinking socks lying around or the next thing you know, they would have entered the guineas books of world records for the loudest scream. (Do keep earplugs in handy….for emergency.)
Capricorn Dec.22-Jan.20
Statutory warning: harming the ego of a
Aquarius Jan.21-Feb.19
The water bearer is independent and of course, is forever on CLOUD 9#. Let us give you a warning here. Never go for a walk with an Aquarian pal. You never know when you may require transportation to take them to the hospital. (For running into a tree and cracking their skull)
Pisces Feb.20-Mar20
Being an idealist, money means nothing to them. (It’s no wonder why we might find their pockets empty) They don’t want to be a millionaire, just live like one. Well, you better be careful here or there won’t be any dearth of chances of being kicked out of your own home.
[The above ‘horror’ scope has been written with experience, so the readers better not beat me up, after all I applied brains. (I do have them. Period) and the above may hold true for some while others will have quite an aversion to it. (Grin) Cheers!]