Most people wondered why a 19 year old girl(now 20) would write something this deep. Everytime someone read this piece, they had a question for me, "What made you write this?" I honestly have no concrete answer to it, but for the fact that I myself long for a girl child and that she is the most beautiful thing that can ever happen to anyone. So, to all you readers out there....Never give your girl up, DONT kill her before she is even born. You'll never know what is in store for you. Life's full of surprises, isn't it? So, why shy away from it?
Each day passes by and I long to see that entrancing smile, the big round innocent eyes, to hear that musical laughter and hold your hands in mine. Each day brings some thought as to how beautiful you are going to be when you open your eyes in this new world.
People may call me funny, fatuous, and even laugh at me for forming a kingdom of my own dreams consisting of just you and me. But, oh, how I long to hold you in my arms just to watch you look up at me with those big bambi eyes and smile knowing that I’ll always be there to take care of you and love you as I would never love anyone on this planet. In our kingdom, you will be the princess who would bring about nothing but plethora of joy and hope to this empty world.
The first ray of sunshine, and I will know that I have been gifted love, the love I could never gain from any other man or woman.
All four seasons I will feel nothing but sheer pleasure of having you with me in an otherwise cold world. My heart aches to embellish you with the jewels of an angel and with a happy sigh two words will escape my lips - my angelic princess.
Being only human, there are certain fears, but life without you scares me the most. You will be this ethereal being, the one I could look at forever and never tire. You will be the heart of my body, the air that I breathe and the beautiful dreams of my crazy mind.
And once you are in my arms, my princess, I will cherish you forever and till death do us apart. And today, that’s a promise I vow never to break.
1 comment:
wonderful thoughts, most beautifully expressed. whatever little capacity i have, my blessings are with you to enable you realise your dreams. i will also pray to god (and prayer is the only tool i seem to have)to give you strength when the real grind begins (i hope the glamour will remain intact), because without the strength the dream may go up in smoke.
we share the same strong feeling about girl child. but apart from just having strong feelings i do not think i have done much to champion the cause of a girl child in a wider context. i do keep myself aware and abreast about REAL issues of gender discriminations.(i do follow related statistics and data also). most important of these are as follows. kindly tell me if you readers are in agreement. you can add a few more from your personal experiences:-
- infant foetecide.
- unequal education.
- unequal nutrition.
- unsafe environment and
crime against women- (the horror storries abound. i was shocked and apalled to read that a 16 year british tourist was raped and murdered in the hot spot of Goa recently, and this was just a sequel. she looked so innocent in the photograph.)
- equality in jobs and wages.
But walking around in the glossy malls or swanky streets of Pune i do not think that i or any onlooker can ever imagine that discrimination exists. a rank outsider may even scoff.
so, i realise that the large chunk of the above problems (apart from unsafe environment) exists not in the metros, but in the other 70% of the indian population and in their mindset. i also realise that it will require a huge- really huge revolution to change that mindset and bring about a conducive environment. i for myself have a big dream that such a revolution will come by some day and i will have the opportunity to play a role in it - however small. for the beginning i guess that i have done something by providing my girlchild equal opportunity at least in education, nutrition, sports , clothing, lodging, dignity and status. we do have some differences on the issue of freedom to roam around(read 'safety') but in my mind it is not a real issue and is coupled with the societal environment on which i have no control. i guess an unbiased mind will be able to see the genuineness of my words and actions.in the end, i promise to do my bit for the girl child and and i pledge myself that at opportune moment i will go an extra length to do someting more. and i hope that i will not see blogging as the solution to the problem or the limit of my effort because i realise that by and large the problem does not exist in the blogger's space and the segment where problem exists does not have the means to blog.
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