Saturday, March 8, 2008

Angel on Earth (poem)

This was a poem I had written for my Mother's birthday about a year and a half ago. I never could think of a suitable title for it then and didn't give it one. But today, when I re-typed it here, it just sprung open. I never knew but she is an angel in disguse. She may behave otherwise sometimes(he he he :D), but I know in my hearts of hearts that she is. Cheers to all 'ANGEL' moms out there.
Here goes....

I opened my eyes
Not knowing this new world.
Unclear, uncertain
These eyes searched for some light
And there it was!
In the smile
Of the first my kind I saw.
The face I came to recognize
The face of my mother.
I put out my hand
And felt it being clasped
In a warmer one.
I came to trust that hand
Knowing it'll be there
Whenever I fall.
18 now
I look behind
And I see her there
Pushing me, urging me
Teaching me
To face the world
And no matter how old I grow
I will always know
In body, with me or not
Her force of love and care
Forever will be there
Raising me, making me stronger
So that in this crazy world
I last longer.
With my head held high
No regrets
And the love bestowed on me by her
Safely locked in my heart.


rescuefinance said...

keep up the good work.This has a good look nfeel.

Surabhi Pratap said...

hey...i like that one....! keep writing whenever u feel like. in class if u get bored of lectures. thats what i do ;-P but just keep writing !